A first for Maldon! This TV sitcom from the 1990s has never before been performed by an amateur drama group, but Andrew Norris has kindly provided us with some scripts and we will be performing three episodes from the series.
Thursday 17th, Friday 18th & Saturday 19th October 2024 at Maldon Town Hall.
Ticket prices: £11 Stalls, £13 Balcony
Buy TicketsWhether you fancy being on stage or behind the scenes, no previous experience is necessary - all you need is enthusiasm and an enjoyment of Theatre. A good sense of humour also helps.
If interested then please come along any Weds evening to see us or drop us an email at info@maldondrama.org.uk if you have any further questions.
We usually present two full length plays a year (Spring and Autumn) with often a smaller scale production in the Summer.
We are members of the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) and the North Essex Theatre Guild.
Originally founded as The All Saints Drama Guild back in 1952, our productions were presented, until the mid 1960's, at the Parish Hall in the High Street (now My Local) and then afterwards for many years at the Church Hall in London Road. In 2002, our 50th Anniversary year, we decided the time had come to update the group to reflect our progressive change from a predominantly church organisation to a more broadly based community group and so Maldon Drama Group was born. At the end of the following year we moved from the the Church Hall to our present home at the Town Hall.
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Your contact details will be used soley for the purpose of dealing with your request and none of your information will be stored.
Alternatively you can contact the MDG Secretary on 07928 403991.